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Sustainable and Intentional Living Content

One Minimalist’s Thoughts on Gift Giving

I don’t know about you, but I have had holiday gift lists to purchase for over 20+ people in the past. I am sure that is not nearly as many as other’s have. With gifts being a huge part of this season, it seems like a good time to discuss some aspects of gift giving.

I am going to touch on some various aspects of gift giving, maybe give a different perspective to consider in any type of gift giving you may have coming up. Here is my current thought process of what I try to remind myself about when it comes to gifts.

Quality time

“I just want to spend time with you”. In the past, I found this frustrating when my parents or relatives would say something like this. I just wanted to know what to buy them! Now I relalize what they meant. Time is a resource that I sometimes take for granted, but it is one of our most precious resources we get. Who we spend that time with is a huge part of this. When I think back on fond memories with a loved one, I don’t think about a gift someone gave me. I think about the games we played and times we laughed until we cried. I think about the times we had the heart to heart and grew closer as family or friends.

During Covid-19, when we need to keep our distance, it can be more important than ever to still reach out and create those moments. This can be done with a phone call, a video chat, or doing a safe meet up when possible.  

For when we can, spending time with others, creating memories are truly special gifts. Whether that is taking a walk, watching a movie, cooking, hunting, crafting, gaming, etc. There are so many ways to make moments special. I encourage you to think back on the people that are important to you and your favorite memories with them. How can you add to that collection of memories with the people currently in your life?

Gifting experiences is a great way to create memories also. Gifting a class, a night out, a concert, a massage, or anything where they can go out and create memories is such a nice gesture.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Favors or tasks

Doing favors or performing a task for someone can improve someone’s day. This could be someone you know or someone you don’t. These moments stand out and help build relationships.

Here are some ideas:

  • Pay it forward
  • Put Holiday Decor Up
  • Grocery Shop for someone who cannot go out.
  • Extra Cleaning around your home
  • Create a surprise homemade meal

Homemade goods

Homemade goods are incredibly underrated during the holiday season. My mom and I try to set aside time to do some holiday cookie baking every year. We often make too much and end up giving them as gifts. That gift of cookies has so much more meaning behind them having been created with memories and given to someone else to enjoy.

This holiday season I purchased a homemade pie from a past coworker and it was the best apple pie I have ever had! I look forward to seeing her again to let her know that her pie did not even make it to Thanksgiving because I have no self control.

Homemade gifts are unique and allow you to share your talents with others. It creates a sense of community that I find myself grasping for more and more as I grow older.

Here are some ideas on homemade goods

  • Baked Goods
  • Frozen Meals
  • Hobby Creations – Artists, storytellers, crafters, woodworkers, etc

Purchased Gifts

I believe there are still times when more materialistic goods can apply. As someone who is trying to live a more minimalist lifestyle. I can say without a doubt the hardest part of decluttering is the sentimental items. Gifts being a huge part of that. This has changed the type of gifts I want to give others. I try to avoid gifts that would leave the person who receives them with this obligatory feeling that they need to keep it for the rest of their life. This often leads to me wanting to avoid giving traditional gifts. I almost think of it like, “If they decided to declutter tomorrow, would they just want to get rid of it?”

I also try to avoid things that I don’t want my money to support. This is difficult and I don’t always do it right, but I think it is good to be conscious on where you spend your money, even for gifts. Gifts are a huge part of ways that companies make money, if we choose the right places to buy items, it can do a lot of good.

  • Shop Local – There is something special about knowing your money is going back into the community.
  • Shop Ethically – Avoid companies that don’t pay their workers fair wages and provide safe working conditions.
  • Shop Quality over Quantity – Consider buying one quality item instead of a lot of little gifts that are cheaply made.
  • Shop Consciously – Choose products that will add value. Avoid things that will be used once and forgotten.

Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to local nonprofits and families in need this holiday season. If you find exta money in your holiday budget or have time to volunteer, what a great way to give back to the community by being able to do a donation.

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